Caleb Wasmus

Caleb Wasmus

Passionate internetaholic. Evil zombie guru. Proud coffee evangelist. Incurable zombie specialist. Extreme pop culture junkie. Incurable food advocate.

51 Author´s Articles
What are the effects of cannabinoids on the body?

What are the effects of cannabinoids on the body?

If you smoke regularly, you're more likely to wheeze, cough, and produce phlegm. You're also at increased risk of...

What are the disadvantages of legalizing drugs?

What are the disadvantages of legalizing drugs?

Children and adolescents could have easier access to drugs, drug trafficking would remain a problem. The first countries...

How long does it take for cannabinoid receptors to return to normal?

How long does it take for cannabinoid receptors to return to normal?

Research states that brain receptors called cannabinoid 1 receptors begin to return to normal after 2 days without...

Where will weed be legal next?

Where will weed be legal next?

Here is another state that already has a medical program in place, and if you are discovered with up to 10 grams, you...

Why should drugs be decriminalized?

Why should drugs be decriminalized?

Decriminalizing all drugs can reduce government spending and generate tax revenues, freeing up resources to expand...

Do you not feel pain when high?

Do you not feel pain when high?

Using cannabis for pain relief helps, however, it makes pain more bearable rather than eliminating it, researchers at...

What are the pros and cons of legalizing drugs?

What are the pros and cons of legalizing drugs?

Ultimately, mental health professionals are concerned that an increase in marijuana use among young adults due to drug...

What does medical marijuanas feel like?

What does medical marijuanas feel like?

It is inhaled, either through smoke or steam, as an edible, as in a cookie or herbal tea, or as a liquid under the...

How Would Legalizing Marijuana Impact The Economy?

How Would Legalizing Marijuana Impact The Economy?

In the UK, marijuana is currently classified as a Class B drug. This means that it is illegal to possess, sell, or...

What are the negative effects of legalizing drugs?

What are the negative effects of legalizing drugs?

Critics argue that legalization stimulates the use of marijuana and other drugs or alcohol, increases crime, decreases...

How does legalization affect drug use?

How does legalization affect drug use?

Legalization, however, will not affect addiction and its effects on propensity to violence. Instead of legalizing drugs,...

Does cannabinoids help with anxiety?

Does cannabinoids help with anxiety?

Many people report using marijuana to cope with anxiety, especially those with social anxiety disorder. THC seems to...

What are the side effects of cannabinoids?

What are the side effects of cannabinoids?

It can also make you hungry, which is known as “having cravings,” or make you feel sick, known as “a whitish.” It ...

What does drug legalization mean?

What does drug legalization mean?

Legalization means that a drug that was once banned is legalized, under federal or state law. Decriminalization means...

Legalizing Marijuana: Health Benefits Of Smoking Marijuana

Legalizing Marijuana: Health Benefits Of Smoking Marijuana

Marijuana, a drug made from the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa, has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes...

What symptoms is medical marijuanas used for?

What symptoms is medical marijuanas used for?

While all states have laws that dictate the use of medical marijuana, more than two-thirds of the U.S. UU.

Why is drug legalization an issue?

Why is drug legalization an issue?

The United States is ill-prepared to legalize and regulate drugs, some experts said. It tends to resist regulation and...

Why should marijuanas be legalized in the philippines?

Why should marijuanas be legalized in the philippines?

It can be used to improve education, improve health care, develop the justice system, help the poor, pay the country's...

Why should we legalize marijuanas?

Why should we legalize marijuanas?

One motivation for legalization is the economic benefits that can be derived from the regulated commercial availability...

Legalize Marijuana In Mississippi: The Advantages And Disadvantages

Legalize Marijuana In Mississippi: The Advantages And Disadvantages

Marijuana is a drug that has been around for centuries. The plant comes from the cannabis sativa family, and it is most...

How would legalization of drugs help the economy?

How would legalization of drugs help the economy?

Arguments against drug legalization are noted and countered Legal marijuana presents the potential for enormous benefits...

What are the cons of legalizing drugs?

What are the cons of legalizing drugs?

Children and adolescents could have easier access to drugs, drug trafficking would remain a problem. The first countries...

What are cannabinoids prescribed for?

What are cannabinoids prescribed for?

Get information on COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, and updates for Mayo Clinic patients and visitors. Mayo Clinic offers...

How long does it take for the high feeling to wear off?

How long does it take for the high feeling to wear off?

Effects can last up to 12 hours after use and residual effects can last up to 24 hours, so you could be affected until...

What are the pros of legalizing drugs?

What are the pros of legalizing drugs?

The debate surrounding the legalization of drugs, including not just cannabis but also substances that have traditionally ...

What is the drug legalization debate?

What is the drug legalization debate?

The drug legalization debate concerns whether to change the legal status of one or more drugs. It would be possible for...

What states have legalized marijuanas?

What states have legalized marijuanas?

A total of 37 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. UU.

Should marijuanas be legalized federally?

Should marijuanas be legalized federally?

Legal Marijuana Presents Potential for Huge Benefits for Local and National Economies. It could also help secure the...

What does medical marijuanas do to you?

What does medical marijuanas do to you?

Control nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Kill cancer cells and slow tumor growth.

Legalize Marijuana: How To Choose A Weed Delivery Service For Marijuana

Legalize Marijuana: How To Choose A Weed Delivery Service For Marijuana

As marijuana legalization sweeps the nation, more and more people are exploring how to get their hands on this...

Why should marijuanas be legal?

Why should marijuanas be legal?

One motivation for legalization is the economic benefits that can be derived from the regulated commercial availability...

What are things that enhance your high?

What are things that enhance your high?

Foods That May Increase the Effects of Marijuana Mango & Mango Juice. Mango juice and grass are often talked about...

Where does legal weed come from?

Where does legal weed come from?

Adults can also turn on without a prescription in Alaska, California, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada,...

How would legalizing all drugs help the economy?

How would legalizing all drugs help the economy?

Legal marijuana presents the potential for enormous benefits for economies on a local and national scale. It could also...

When did nyc legalize marijuanas?

When did nyc legalize marijuanas?

This erased past convictions and set the framework for state-regulated drug sales. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday morning...

Is indica or sativa better for medical?

Is indica or sativa better for medical?

In terms of particular ailments, Sativa strains tend to be better for psychological disorders such as depression, PTSD,...

How would the legalization of drugs affect the economy?

How would the legalization of drugs affect the economy?

Arguments against drug legalization are noted and countered. While legal marijuana has been touted as a means to improve...

Can you bring edibles to philippines?

Can you bring edibles to philippines?

Do you encourage everyone to follow their habits if marijuana is legalized here or when it is legalized? Yes. Cannabis...

Marijuana Legalization In Fort Worth, TX: The Changing Landscape Of Drug Crimes And Legal Defense

Marijuana Legalization In Fort Worth, TX: The Changing Landscape Of Drug Crimes And Legal Defense

In a society where the shifting tides of public opinion are constantly redefining the boundaries of legality, one issue...

Is sativa a pain reliever?

Is sativa a pain reliever?

Researchers found that participants preferred indica strains for pain, sedation and sleep treatment, while opting for...

What are cannabinoid drugs?

What are cannabinoid drugs?

Cannabinoids are drugs that share the active ingredients found in cannabis (marijuana) or that were synthetically...

What are the medicinal purposes of cbd?

What are the medicinal purposes of cbd?

It is most commonly used to treat chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, and insomnia. A study showed that CBD can relieve...

What happens when you legalize something?

What happens when you legalize something?

Legalization is the process of removing a legal ban against something that is currently not legal. Legalization is a...

Legalize Marijuanas As Treatment For Several Medical Conditions

Legalize Marijuanas As Treatment For Several Medical Conditions

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a psychoactive drug that induces euphoria and relaxation. It is most often used for ...